Customer Service

Short and sweet, Rooster DSM is customer service. All actions taken are for an individual customer. The ways of governing electric power are not on the utility company's turf; instead, each action of control starts at a customer's meter and building. All actions combine right there. 

A building is an apparatus of provisions, an instrument with settings.

An example. The project is an office building near UCLA. It has a lobby, offices, restrooms, a kitchen and a conference room. It was the offices and conference room that needed help. Huge amounts of ambient air move around them and in them, subtly and relentlessly. 75 degrees can become 85 in a sly creep. 

New glass was installed to tame infrared and uv light. A radiant barrier was installed in exterior walls. The building is now on a schedule of updating to maintain balance: new fans built into walls installed high near ceilings purge warmed unwanted air, right on programmed cue. So a goal has been achieved. A better atmosphere, a better experience. And since an existing pair of rooftop a.c. units are no longer the only go-to, they take a rest during time intervals. Resulting in less power demanded from a grid. When the utility company's bill comes we verify the savings achieved. The bill is also checked for accuracy. A better price, a better bill. This is what we mean when we say Rooster DSM is Customer Service.

About Me

Los Angeles, California, United States
Hello. Thank you for spending some time with Rooster. Me? I'm an Accredited Professional (AP) with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), involved in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). My two areas are energy-efficiency and environmental quality. I specialize in a sweet thing called Demand Side Management (DSM).